How Risky Business Got Its Name, Episode 6 w/Bekah Evans, Lowers Risk Group
In this episode, Scott Grandys interviews Bekah Evans, a Software QA Analyst from Lowers Technologies. They talk about how the “Risky Business” name came to be and their experience working together on the project.
Ep5 James Fleming
In this episode, Scott Grandys interviews James Fleming, the Managing Director of Attento Underwriting Agency in London, UK. They talk about electric trucks and how these new vehicles are disrupting logistics and insurance.
Ep4 Georg Kaufmann
In this episode, Scott Grandys interviews Georg Kaufmann, the principal software architect at Lowers Risk Group. He has been in the software engineering space since 2003. They talk about their experience together at Lloyd’s Lab Cohort 9, machine learning, and ClearConnect’s upcoming ClearTrac launch.
Ep3 Chris Moore
In this episode, Scott Grandys interviews Chris Moore, the head of ibott and Deputy Active Underwriter of ibott’s special purpose arrangement (SPA) 1971 at Lloyd’s. They talk about how to cultivate a culture of innovation and the use of data for common good in the insurance industry.
Ep2 Mark Tuchmann
In this episode of the Risky Business Podcast, Scott Grandys interviews Mark Tuchmann, CEO of TIP National. As a managing general agency, TIPN provides differentiated insurance programs for the transportation industry.
Ep1 Dr. Mark Manera
To kick off the first episode of the Risky Business Podcast, Scott Grandys talks to Dr. Mark Manera of Supply Chain Fitness. As a physical therapist, Dr. Mark saw firsthand what a lifetime of trucking can do to a person’s body.